Beam Content
Beam Content is creating B2B content that isn't boring. They are focused on analyzing their clients' target audience and producing content that hits the mark.

"We love our new site. A big thanks to The Favorite Design for this unique website. Many clients consistently point out how incredible our website is. We couldn't be happier."
Brooklin Nash, CEO & Co-founder at Beam Content

The objective was this...
The team at Beam Content wanted to move from WordPress to another platform to make it easier to update their content and make their website faster. They also wanted to give their brand a fresh look while keeping some important elements like colors and the idea of a beam of light. Since the team is fun and creative, they wanted to make sure the new design and website reflected their personality.

Our goal was to ensure that visitors didn't think the website looked too standardized or cookie-cutter. To achieve this, we created a distinct design for each section of the website, allowing us to unleash our creative flair to the fullest. But, we also wanted to make sure the website was designed in a way that encourages users to take action, submitting a form in this case. So, while we celebrated creativity, we didn't compromise on the layout that's geared towards getting people to interact and convert. This approach not only made the site visually engaging but also user-friendly and results-oriented.